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Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years for many different conditions. Acupuncture at Hands On Health Clinic is carried out only after a thorough examination and uses small, thin needles inserted into the skin. The needles can be used to provide both analgesic (pain relieving) and non-analgesic effects.
Additionally, Dr Phipps is trained in electroacupuncture - a form of acupuncture which uses electrodes to stimulate the needles and provide a stronger sensory response from the nervous system.
How does acupuncture work?
Acupuncture needles are placed in specific muscles according to the diagnosis of the patients complaint or symptoms, these may be around the painful area or they may be at other sites around the body. These needles stimulate the nerves close to the needle which then send a signal back to the spinal cord. At the spinal cord the nerve signal stimulates specific nerve fibres which inhibit or block the pain signals that are coming from the affected area. The needles also help to stimulate opioid proteins which also help to stimulate further inhibitory nerve pathways to decrease pain levels.
Diseases, symptoms or conditions for which acupuncture is an effective treatment:
Facial pain (including craniomandibular disorders)
Knee pain
Low back pain
Neck pain
Pain in dentistry (including dental pain and temporomandibular dysfunction)
Periarthritis of shoulder
Postoperative pain
Rheumatoid arthritis
Tennis elbow
WHO Medical Documentation Guidelines
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